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10x12 Shed with loft

10x12 Shed with loft

This is a small structure I built for a client who wanted a shed with a loft. To also serve as a play room for his young children.

10x12 Shed Closed in

10x12 Shed Closed in

Here's the shed with Pine Board and Batten Siding, with window and door trim.

10x12 Shed Loft

10x12 Shed Loft

Fun loft for kiddies.

Hand Made Ladder to Loft

Hand Made Ladder to Loft

This is a ladder that I made on site to access the loft.

10X12 Shed

10X12 Shed

Here's a nice photo of a brace.

8X16 Gazebo

8X16 Gazebo

This is a Gazebo Built for Scoops Ice Cream in Pakenham ON. Here I replaced an existing structure. This provides people with a comfortable place to enjoy a ice cream on a summers day. Stop by and enjoy an ice cream in the Gazebo.

Scoops Gazebo

Scoops Gazebo

Not only did I do the Timber Framing, but also the design and construction of the benches, and the steel roof installation.

Live Edge Beam

Live Edge Beam

This is an example of how with my sawmill, we can custom cut timbers to give that wow effect.

Log House Dove Tail Repair

Log House Dove Tail Repair

Here I repaired a rotten corner of a log house. The house was finished with drywall on the inside, and the client wanted a repair that didn't involve the complete removal of the interior.

Log House Repair

Log House Repair

The repair was done using Cedar Logs from a Barn I dismantled. Thus matching the existing logs.

Log House Repair

Log House Repair

Here we are with chinking in place. After a summer, the repair will match the existing logs.



This whole frame was of my own design. Incorporating it into the existing structure had it's challenges. The biggest concern, was getting it to all fit in below the protruding King Post Truss that was in the large 4' overhang of the roof. To do this I used two different slopes on the roof of the veranda.



By using a stub tenon on the bottom of a post, it will never move out of place.



Here's the main entrance framing raised in place.



Intersecting Ridges above main entranceway.



Intersecting ridges with rafters in place.



Here is that ridge intersection from above, the middle ridge beam gives support to the two adjacent ridge beams. They are held in place with a hard wood spline and pegged in place.



Here is where we will be having a half lap joint of two plates.



Both plates in place, nice and tight joinery.



Main Entrance Bent going up.



Tying it all in.



Here is a fine example of how we incorporated the new frame into the existing framework.



The client wanted to add some lights to the veranda, we hid the wires. Don't want to see any wires.



Frame is up!

Carnivic Veranda

Carnivic Veranda

Here's me posing for a pic on the frame. This shows the design challenges we faced in getting it under the existing overhang. And also keeping the roof line of the veranda below the windows on the 2nd floor. Note, I've thrown out those jeans!



Interior all completed, we constructed everything on this project from the framing of the floor, the red pine flooring, the screen panels, white pine t&g ceiling, and the steel roofing. Only the screen doors were store bought.



Another shot of the finished interior



Exterior all finished and stained.



We wanted to give the side entrance of the Veranda a sense of importance, for this would be the primary entrance that guests would use entering the hall.

Mirror Frame

Mirror Frame

This is a Mirror I build for a friend who's bathroom I renovated for him. It's built out of barn board and has a linseed oil finish.

Greek Enspired Entabulature

Greek Enspired Entabulature

This is my final project from College. Students were to find a architectural detail, and reproduce it in the shop. One of the key elements to make this look right, is to have the outside dentals appear to be "floating".

Greek Entabulature

Greek Entabulature

Here it is in place around a doorway in the woodworking shop at Algonquin College In Perth.

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